I really want to /need to share the experience.
One of the most powerful experiences I have had this life time.
Not the only one but up there at the top :)
Not so much the mechanics of it, but the shear feeling of it.

There I was in my Tiny Heart awaiting the moment of alignment between my Heart, the Mother’s Heart, Father Suns Heart and Grandfather Suns Heart.

As usual when I connect with Mother Earth and Father Sun, my bodies expand, the frequency increases thousand fold, my eyes fill up and there are no doubts about being in my Heart :)

In my Heart the stars are bright, it is absolutely expansive and the Galaxy is one of the most beautiful things I have seen.

The feelings are immense. My body is vibrating. I am truly blissful!

I am completely transfixed within my inner vision.

I can see our Sun and behind, there is this glow that just becomes brighter and brighter, until it fills my entire inner vision.

There are no words that can describe it.
The tears are running down my face.
My chest feels like it can’t contain itself.
My entire bodies pulse with life of their own.
There is so much in me.
From me.
Through me.

I wish I could put sound on paper :)
That would describe it so much better.

Drunvalo channeled a message and I could feel all becoming One.

I felt powerful and humble.
Strong and gentle.
Peaceful and filled with passion.

All too soon it was time to become more conscious of this dimension.
The approximate 45 minutes, could have been a split second or a lifetime.

Amongst the many feelings there were two distinct ones.
I felt homesick!
There is this pull to reunite with All of Self!

And also, at the same time, this absolute gratitude for having a physical body!
To be experiencing this unique time, as an absolute and very willing participant.
What privilege!

I am still wired, I am still blissful and bless full.
This is one high I expect I am not coming down from!

In La’ Kesh!
