Do you find yourself blanking out?
Not quite sure about what you were saying, not quite sure what you have just said?
Or maybe your anxiety levels are rocketing and there is no explanation? Your life has not changed, but your temper, depression, sadness, is deeper and more accentuated.
Maybe you keep on having bouts of gastro, but it is not quite the usual? It comes and it goes with no apparent reason.
You keep on having a sore throat and it does not seem to go, no matter what you do?
Maybe you are just feeling light headed?
You are nauseous?
Find it really difficult to sleep, or you wake up at early hours of the morning?
And when you sleep you are dead to the world?
If any of this sounds familiar, the energetic field around your physical body is reacting in tandem to the changes in the magnetic field of the Earth.
We are connected to Mother Earth, through the umbilical cord of energetics.
Most of us never graduate/grow up, to being able to stand energetically in our own right, no matter what is happening to the Mother.
To emancipate ourselves and be able to remain centered and grounded, amidst the “chaos” of Earth changes, we need to learn to be deeply connected to our Heart.
To remain centered in our magnetic field, regardless of what surrounds us.
This is what gives the ability to remain “within the eye of the needle”, while the tornado rages on.
There are very practical exercises that allow you to increase your Heart connection and increase the stability of your own magnetic field.
This ability will allow you to intuitively make the choices that will allow you to be in the “right place” at the “right time”, while the world changes around you.
Pleaaase share your own individual findings.