This is how I remember it and in the best way I can express in words………..

The Earth as a being,-Gaia, Terra, Aya-, in its path of evolution, required that it would be unconditionally loving and therefore unconditionally available.
And it was decided, that if it was the Mother, for many beings evolution, it would become that unconditional being.
There were souls that required a place of incarnation with very specific needs.
And the need was to find a being, that would be willing to hold a frequency, that was dense enough and hold a negative energy, deep enough, that those beings incarnating, could learn many ways to come from deep Darkness into Light.
And so an agreement was made that said………..

Table Mountain

44 beings come together to honour and connect with Mother Earth

“I the Earth will evolve through making myself available, to all these beings that wish to participate in the experience, of evolution, in this manner.
I will allow a part of me to be dense enough, so that I can be the arena within which those beings, learn and evolve.
And we will evolve together, always knowing, together, to emerge through the darkness, much enhanced, much evolved, (much)-[MORE] powerful, that we will dance together, throughout the ages, into a joyful dance together”.
And so the weave between Mother Earth and the children began.
And it as continued throughout the ages.
We could say that it is reaching a crescendo, that will allow us to make a significant leap forward, in our own and the Earth’s evolution.
We are rallying. Like giving birth.
That last push that brings forth new life.
Through the pain and the screaming, new life begins.
And a celebration begins. Of a new way. A new heart. A new BEING.

Some feedback from the workshop:

These workshops always have a different theme, but are always guaranteed to highlight and stir, what in your life, stops you from achieving, the realisation of your highest potential, in this life time. A highest potential, which is your divine right to achieve, with has much Joy, Love and Peace as possible.”