Woke up really resisting the day. Had many nightmares during the night. Can’t remember what about. Can feel it though.
Sense of anticipation and knowing this is it. Told to use my amber jewellery. Told to take the water collected from the Nile, with me.
One of the first things you go past, as you arrive at the Karnec temple, is an avenue, with about 12 stone Rams on either side. Felt watched by the rams all the way down the avenue. The Rams on the left, seemed to be smiling.
From the top of the avenue I could see the two enormous statues.
My heart started beating really fast.
Got to the statues and our group sat at the feet of the statue on the right. (when you face the statues).
My left eye started crying, with tears streaming down my face and on to my shirt.
My right eye was completely dry, throughout. Most strange. There were eyes all over the wall facing me. Was told to look at them all, very directly.
Felt quite panicky for a moment.
Carried on seeing the rest of the temple. It is actually a conglomerate of temples, all built at different times, for different kings and pharaohs. This collection of temples is spread over a diameter of 2,5km. There is also an avenue, of approximately 3km joining this conglomerate of temples, to the temple of Luxor (which is also a conglomerate of temples, only not as big).
Stopped at the sarcophagus of Hatshepsut and was told to tone. We than started turning back, to come out at the same point where the two statues were. From here onwards, I started chanting softly all the time. It felt as if I was gathering to me, all that I needed for the job, (tools, help?). On the way to the statues, was told to stop by a lake, called the Sacred Lake and was told to align with the twin palms on the other side of the lake and chant.
As I was chanting, I was shown what to do with the water from the Nile, when I got to the statues. Kept on chanting. Was asked to tell Bea to take photographs. Don’t understand why.
Got to the statues. Was told to wrap my white shawl around my waist, to cover my purple shorts. Was supposed to be totally dressed in white. Was told to let my hair down (loose) and place my white feather prominently on my head. Something to do with it being, like a calling card.
Was told to place my rug sack with my crystals, my pouch with my more personal crystals and my angel, at the bottom of the left statue (when you face them from the entrance), opposite to where we sat when we came in.
Picked up my bottle with the Nile water and walked to the area in the middle of the two statues. Started drawing a spiral, with the water, on the floor. My hand moved of its own accord and drew the spiral from the outside to the inside. Was told to step into it. Chanted facing the four directions. Made hand and arm motions.
Could feel the left statue, standing up, turning and looming over me (it sounds 3D impossible, but energetically, or in another dimension, it was definitely real). Centred myself and faced it. Was told to chant, firmly, straight at it. Ended by standing and just letting energy run through. Felt really strange walking away from it. Could not walk slowly. Literally ran around like a wound up toy, talking strange words and making guttural sounds. Was also bringing up energy and crying.
Was told to walk backwards, towards the avenue with the rams and at the same time, facing the statues, still uttering strange words and guttural sounds and making hand motions.
Was told to stop at the top of the ram’s avenue, for a moment, letting the energy run through me again and than to turn my back on the statues.
All the rams on my left side (right side coming up) were now smiling (again impossible?? NOT!!!!).
This joy became contagious and I could not stop smiling, all the way to the bus and all the way to the Luxor temple and all the time that I was in the Luxor temple.
Put a crystal in the statue. Put a Noordhoek stone in the scarob. Another Noordhoek stone in one of the rams.
_Further thoughts on what happened.
The statue symbolised or housed (energetically), the guardian of the energy gate that I was opening. It had been its job for such a long time; would it know what else to do? Would it have a purpose after this was completed? Sounds just like all of us. None of us is better or worse, than anyone else. The only reason why someone gets a job, is because they are the best suited for that job. This might again sound like the better, worst, kind of comparison, but that is not what I mean. It is more to do with the fact, that, through the ages, one picks up specific training. And of course, one’s galactic genes, I am sure, influence this too. A part of me, says that this is a contradiction, because, if we are all One and One is everything, than how came, some are better equipped to do this, instead of that? Than I turn to Nature and watch it. Not that I always get the explanations in a manner that satisfy my logical mind, but I often find that through the comparison of complex thoughts (questions), and the simplicity of Nature, which just is, I can see a thread that I can base my Trust (faith) in. So here is my example: Oxygen does what Oxygen does best. And Hydrogen does what Hydrogen does best. And both of them together in their perfection of co-creation, reach higher doings. Not better, not worse, just more and different. I mean, together, Oxygen and Hydrogen do, what no other combination in Nature, is able to. No fight, or struggle or fear about their job. They just do, what they were destined to. Such is Nature. In its simplicity, it attains the culmination of creation. So, we could say, an angel does, what an angel does best and the cleaner ups of energy, do, what they know to do, best. Clean up. And the ones, who protect, do exactly that. Protect. And sometimes they don’t need to do that anymore. They can move on to the next, experience, lesson, challenge. But unlike Nature, we have questions and fears and ……….
There was also a being in the other statue but somehow i was not asked to deal with it._
[We will have to handle this one together.]


In the Luxor temple I chanted all the time. It felt like I was walking on air. My chants were really joyful chants. My feelings seemed to be of joy, relief and accomplishment.
When I got to the room I observed that my silver jewellery was completely tarnished with black.

Got on the bus for the airport to depart for Cairo.
On the way to the airport, my third eye felt very strange, it felt and sounded (I could actually ear it) like someone had opened it by turning a key (like a sardine can). All of a sudden there was what felt like wind coming in and I felt like I could see nearly all around my head. It still feels strange.
_So, another level within me as been opened
May I allow myself to use it wisely, but also courageously and with compassion, tempered with tenacity and determination._